Executive Function Coaching
Many neurodivergent individuals with executive functioning deficits (i.e., difficulties with time management, organization, planning, etc.) benefit from assistance with learning how to manage their time, organize their materials, and plan out their projects.
Neurodivergent children and teens may also have issues related to self-esteem, flexibility, frustration tolerance, or other challenges that can hinder their ability to manage their time and keep themselves organized effectively.
Important Executive Functions
Attentional Control
A state in which cognitive resources are focused on certain aspects of the environment rather than on others and the central nervous system is in a state of readiness to respond to stimuli.
The process of restraining one’s impulses or behavior, either consciously or unconsciously, due to factors such as lack of confidence, fear of consequences, or moral qualms.
Working Memory
The set of processes that allow us to store and manipulate temporary information and carry-out complex cognitive tasks such as comprehension, reading, learning, and reasoning.
The control of one’s behavior through the use of self-monitoring (keeping a record of behavior), self-evaluation (assessing the information obtained during self-monitoring), and self-reinforcement (rewarding oneself for appropriate behavior).
The direction of conscious attention on oneself and one’s thoughts, needs, desires, and emotions.
The ability to perceive and understand the things that make you who you are as an individual, including your personality, actions, values, beliefs, emotions, and thoughts.
The process by which individuals attempt to overcome difficulties, achieve plans that move them from a starting situation to a desired goal, or reach conclusions through the use of higher mental functions, such as reasoning and creative thinking.
Coaching Process & Pathway to Growth
Adia's approach to executive function coaching is individualized and strengths-based.
Collaboratively we develop a comprehensive plan that will focus on building practical strategies, while working to develop tools and insight that leads to measurable growth. This type of approach helps individuals feel more invested in the process of change and able to engage as willing participants. Focusing on the process involved in developing necessary skills is important for long-term change as well as individual learning to effectively utilize organizational and time management skills over time as these demands shift with their environment. Additionally, as a school psychologist, Adia is able to support and explore underlying issues that may be impeding an individual's ability to make growth toward improvement of their executive functioning skills such as time management, self-awareness, attention, etc. Follow through and maintaining daily practices is often difficult, therefore, attention is given to facilitating habits that lead to lasting success with skills and processes learned in coaching.
Examples of areas that can be addressed with executive functioning coaching:
Support with organization of physical materials (binders, planners, papers, etc.)
Help with implementation of time management skills and planning
Guidance with set up and implementation of a homework schedule to ensure success and timely completion of ongoing and long-term assignments
Support organizing computer and virtual files for ease of access and tracking
Assistance managing symptoms related to ADHD that impede functioning
Support increasing follow through on starting and finishing chores, etc. at home
Help understanding and using apps to support time management and organization for success at home and school
All executive functioning coaching sessions are tailored to meet the individual needs of each person, however, these are some examples of what a session might look like:
Review planner, online files, and go over current and upcoming assignments.
Collaboratively plan out tasks for the following week.
Address mindset or other specific issues that may be impacting progress.
Review and practice with tools to improve study skills, organization, attention, etc.
Collaboratively develop a document of tools and strategies that can be stored in an easily accessible place electronically or on paper for easy future reference.
Address possible barriers that may hinder progress or ability to stick to the plan.
Please note: Executive functioning services provided by Adia Dawn at Creative Education Solutions are offered as coaching/tutoring and are not considered therapy or psychological services.